Friday, August 8, 2008

Power Mag - Fuel Saver

Bukan Tablet, Bukan Cairan,
1x Pasang untuk selamanya.

Terbuat dari Neodymium Iron Boron super conductors with a very powerful magnetic, dapat dipergunakan untuk engines, gas cookers & water softening.

Ultra Green
Ultra Power Green adalah produk penghemat bahan bakar yang dikhususkan / utamakan untuk kendaraan bermotor jenis Sedan, MPV, Kendaraan Niaga, Truk, Genset yang mempunyai kapasitas mesin mulai 1000 cc keatas.
Penggunaan 1 piece untuk kelipatan 2000cc

Super Purple
Super Power Purple adalah produk penghemat bahan bakar yang dikhususkan / utamakan untuk kendaraan bermotor jenis Sepeda Motor kapasitas mesin mulai 100 cc keatas

Manfaat Produk :

1) Membuat umur mesin lebih panjang karena membersihkan pengendapan Carbon
2) Produk terbuat dari Super Magnet pilihan , dan tidak membuat hub listrik dengan peralatan lain
3) Oli Mesin dan Metal mesin lebih bersih
4) Menjaga dan Menurunkan suhu / temperature mesin
5) Melindungi dan mengurangi dari pencemaran saluran udara untuk pembakaran mesin
6) Meningkatkan Jarak per km ( Penghematan bahan bakar bisa mencapai 30 % )
7) Dapat berfungsi untuk segala jenis mesin ( Diesel, Bensin )
8) Meningkatkan tarikan mesin sampai dengan Maximum setara dengan pemakain Pertamax
9) Mengurangi emisi gas buang seperti Nox , Co . Co2
10) Dapat dipasang disegala jenis mesin sampai dengan 16 Cylinder mesin
11) Pemasangan yang cepat , kurang dari 5 menit selesai
12) Bebas dari perawatan lanjutan dan cukup 1x pembelian saja
13) Dapat dipakai dalam masa waktu 15 tahun, dan dapat dipindahkan ke kendaraan lain

Penjelasan singkat Produk :

Power Mag adalah produk khusus yang diciptakan untuk membantu penghematan BBM dan meningkatkan tarikan mesin kendaran anda dalam waktu sekejap tanpa Tune Up
Terbuat dari Neodymium Iron Boron Super Konduktor dengan kekuatan Magnet khusus mengatur bahan bakar yang menuju ke ruang pembakaran ( Lihat gambar dibawah)

Dalam perjalanan bahan bakar menuju ketempat pembakaran Sebelum masuk kedalam Ultra Power / Super Power Molekul Bahan bakar dalam keadaan susunan Ion yang tidak beraturan, hal ini yang menyebabkan pembakaran yang terjadi didalam ruang pembakaran menjadi tidak sempurna, Molekul Carbon, Air, Minyak dan bahan kimia lain bercampur menjadi satu.

Dengan melalui Ultra Power / Super Power semua molekul yang lewat akan ditata dan dipisahkan dari ion-ion yang baik dan yang tidak, sehingga perjalanan molekul bahan bakar yang masuk dalam ruang pembakaran lebih teratur, dengan kombinasi yang tepat untuk dipergunakan dalam pembakaran mesin.

Pemasangan Cepat

Cukup Dikaitkan Diselang Bensin / BBM

Apa yang membuat beda Power Mag dengan Produk penghemat bensin yang lain :Beberapa dekade ini , banyak mobil dan kendaraan dibuat dengan model dan bentuk semakin mewah dan bagus namun dengan harga yang semakin murah pula , Begitu pula dengan Power Mag banyak dipasaran beredar produk serupa, namun mempunyai banyak kelemahan dan kekurangan dalam Tarikan mesin dan penghematan bahan bakar, Jadi dalam pertimbangan dan pilihan produk terletak dalam diri anda sendiri, Namun saran kami pakailah dan rasakan perbedaan mesin mobil kendaraan anda dalam sekejap dengan PowerMag : Ultra Power / Super Power

Untuk Pemesanan Produk :
Ultra Power Green
Untuk kendaraan Sedan, Jeep, MPV :
Minimum pemasangan 2 pcs
Untuk kendaraan Truck, Bus :
Minimum pemasangan 6 pcs

Harga : Rp 200.000 / pcs

Super Power Purple
Untuk kendaraan Sepeda Motor :
Minimum pemasangan unit 2 pcs

Harga : Rp 100.000 / pcs


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Magnetic Fuel Saver (Magnetic conditioners) is a perfect and amazing type of magnetic assembly for automotive. Magnetic Fuel Saver is designed to condition the fuel prior to combustion to increase power output, save fuel, and reduce emissions.
1) Magnetic Fuel Saver can help engine to burn fuel more efficiently
2) Magnetic Fuel Saver let your car run more miles per gallon
3) Magnetic Fuel Saver will improve engine performance
4) Magnetic Fuel Saver will reduce emissions
5) Magnetic Fuel Saver will clean air

Magnetic Fuel Saver (Magnetic Fuel Conditioner) gadgets increase combustion efficiency for a cleaner burning engine. This reduces harmful emissions while increasing engine performance.
Enjoy these benefits of Magnetic Fuel Saver (Magnetic Fuel Conditioner)
1) Save fuel, save money, more miles per gallon
2) It can save 10% ~22% fuel
3) 50% reduction of carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons
4) Helps pass emission testing
5) High octane performance with lower octane fuel
6) Improved performance - quicker starts
7) Stops scale build-up and corrosion in engine
8) Reduced wear on O2 sensor and catalytic converter

Benifits from using Powermag Fuel Saver
1. Up to 30% Increase in Engine Life
2. Up to 50% Reduction in Carbon monoxide and Hydrocarbon
3. Up to 10% to 22% Fuel Savings
4. Does NOT void vehicle warranty
5. Works on all vehicle including diesel
6. Save Up to $500 to $1,500 a Year and more
7. No cutting of the fuel line8. Up to 10 Horse Power Increase
9. 0% Maintenance for Life
10. Less Than 5 Minute to Install

Power Mag - FAQ

1. Bagaimana POWERMAG FUEL SAVER dapat bekerja?
ketika BBM mengalir melewati POWERMAG ,kekuatan magnet POWERMAG mempengaruhi molekul dan ion-ion BBM dan menjadikannya lebih tersusun , hal ini membuat BBM menjadi lebih effisien dan mengurangi kadar emisi carbon monoksida.

2. Apakah POWERMAG benar-benar bekerja?
ya, dari sekian banyak konsumen kami yang telah memasang POWERMAG di kendaraan mereka, tarikan mobil menjadi lebih enteng sehingga pemakaian/ konsumsi BBM menjadi lebih hemat.

3. Apakah POWERMAG dapat menghanguskan garansi kendaraan saya?
tidak, pemasangan POWERMAG tidak mengandung bahan kimia, tidak mengganggu kelistrikan dan tidak mengganggu mesin mobil anda, pemasangan hanya di letakan di selang bensin mobil/motor anda tanpa ada nya pemotongan selang.

4. Apakah POWERMAG dapat di pasang di saluran bensin berbahan logam?
bisa, POWERMAG dapat dipasang di saluran bensin berbahan logam atau pun yang berbahan karet.

5. Berapa lama saya dapat melihat adanya peningkatan performance kendaraan?
tarikan kendaraan anda segera akan mengalami peningkatan dan akan mengalami peningkatan lagi setelah berjalan 500km-2000km

6. Apakah POWERMAG bekerja di kendaran karburator atau injeksi?
POWERMAG dapat bekerja di kedua sistem tersebut.

7. apakah POWERMAG dapat dipasang di kendaraan berjenis BBM solar atau bensin?
POWERMAG dapat dipasang di keduannya, baik bensin atau solar

8.Dapatkah saya memasang POWERMAG sendiri?
pemasangan POWERMAG sangat mudah, cari lokasi dimana selang BBM keluar dari filter bensin atau tank bensin, dan letakan POWERMAG sedekat mungkin dengan karburator ataupun mesin (injeksi bensin)

What is the application of magnets?

Application of Permanent Magnets:

Permanent magnet applications in general can be divided into four categories, as follows:

Applications that make use of the tractive and/or repelling force of the magnet, i.e., the attraction between a magnet and a soft magnetic material, such as a piece of iron or steel, or the attraction or repulsion between two magnets, is used to do mechanical work. The following applications are in this category:

  • Magnetic separators, magnetic holding devices, such as magnetic latches.
  • Magnetic torque drives
  • Magnetic bearing devices

Applications that make use of the magnetic field of the magnet to convert mechanical energy to electrical energy. Some of these applications are:

  • Magnetos
  • Generators and alternators
  • Eddy current brakes (used widely for watt-hour meter damping). (This application could be listed under electrical to mechanical energy conversion; but as mechanical energy is used to create the eddy currents, it will be discussed with this group.)

Applications that make use of the magnetic field of the magnet to convert electrical energy to mechanical energy. Some of these applications are:

  • Motors
  • Meters
  • Loudspeakers
  • Relays
  • Actuators, linear, and rotational

Applications that use the magnetic field of the magnet to direct, shape and control electron or ion beams. Some of these applications follow:

  • Magnetic focused cathode-ray tubes
  • Traveling Wave Tubes
  • Magnetrons, BWO, Klystrons
  • Ion Pumps
  • Cyclotrons

Matching Dailymag Magnetics Products to Applications

The purpose of a permanent magnet is to produce flux in the working gap of a device. Obviously all permanent magnetic material will produce flux, but depending upon the working application, certain material types, grades and shapes will be more efficient than others. The following is a breakdown by product line applications that are most suitable for a material?s characteristics:

Key reasons for using Neodymium are:
High energy for size
More economical than Samarium Cobalt
Good in ambient temperature situations
Very high Hc and Hci output

On the negative side of neodymium are relatively high price, corrosion that can result in loss of energy, and temperature coefficient of .13%/ degree centigrade.

Some of the ever-growing list of uses are:
Computer rigid disc drives
Linear actuators
Hammerbank printers
Microphone assemblies
Magnetic separators
DC Motors & Automotive starters
Servo Motors

While being quite expensive, samarium cobalt magnets are:
High Hc and Hci
High Bhmax
Very good temperature stability
Powerful for size

On the negative side, samarium cobalt is price sensitive due to cobalt supply and demand.

Samarium Cobalt is used in these general applications:
Traveling wave tubes
Computer rigid disc drives
D.C. Motors (where temperature stability is vital, such as, Military use-satellite systems, small military motors) sensors, growing automotive applications and linear actuators.

Key attributes of ceramic magnets & Arnold?s products are:
Economical High Hc and Hci compared to Alnico

On the negative side, ceramics are good for simple shapes only, very fragile, require expensive tooling, and temperature sensitive (0.2%?C.)

Generally ceramic magnets are used in:
DC permanent magnet motors used in the automobile industry for blowers, window lifts, windshield wipers, etc. (NOTE: Many of the motors come from outside sources not tied directly to the auto company itself). Separators to remove ferrous materials from liquid powder and bulk commodities.

Magnetic Resonate Imaging, MRI

Magnetos used on lawnmowers, garden tractors and outboard motors.

DC brushless motors with controllers for speed and direction.

The key attributes of Cast Alnico are:

  • Mechanically strong
  • Cast to a variety of shapes
  • Very temperature stable
  • Can change magnetic orientation
  • High Br and Bhmax characteristics compared to ceramic materials.

The key attributes of Sintered Alnico are:

  • Mechanically strongest of the Alnicos
  • Close tolerance pressing/typically minimum grinding

NOTE: Both cast and sintered Alnico have low Hc when compared to ceramic or rare earth materials.

General applications for both cast and sintered Alnico are:

  • Electron tubes, radar, traveling wave tubes.
  • Separators, holding magnets, coin acceptors, clutches and bearings.
  • Magnetos, motors, generators, meters, instruments, controls, relays, watt-hour meters (bearings and dampeners).
  • Communications, receivers, telephones, microphones, bell ringers, musical instruments (guitar pickups).
  • Automotive sensors, loudspeakers, cow magnets, distributors.

What are the uses of the magnets in your daily use ?
  • Locate metal studs in a wall Seal off air-conditioning vents to improve home heating by placing vinyl-coated sheets over the steel register faces

  • Hang Polaroid of projects-in-process on the lip of a metal shelf above the workbench

  • Collect nails from a porch repair job that have fallen in the grass

  • Prevent corrosion inside your water heater; a magnet placed on the freshwater intake pipe catches damaging metallic calcium particles before they can get inside

  • Pin blueprints onto the side or hood of the truck

  • Create a bulletin board without the use of tacks, tape, or hooks on walls coated with magnetized paint containing metals

  • Protect a tractor engine: Ceramic magnets placed in the oil pan will attract steel bits that get into the oil from grinding pistons

  • Fasten steel framing squares to the outside of toolboxes for quick access by gluing magnets to the box sides

  • Clean up metal shavings that have fallen from the bench grinder onto the workshop floor

Thursday, June 19, 2008

Energy Saver - Television

On average a traditional cathode ray tube (CRT) television set uses 100 watts of power when in use and about two watts on standby.

Newer LCD and plasma screens are higher users of energy, with the largest models consuming up to 400 watts when in use and about four watts on standby

Never Keep your televison on Standby mode when you are not waching switch off It from Source and make it a habbit.

DLP projection televisions are considered better at energy saving than LCD and Plasma TV.

Don't place your TV near the AC/ AC thermostat. The heat generated by the television, sensed by the thermostat, might cause the air-conditioning unit to run longer than necessary…and you know how A/Cs Consume so much power.

Lower your TV's brightness setting.

Look out for brands and manufacturers that seem to have the power bill-conscious consumers in mind.

Source :

Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Energy Saver - Air Conditioner

You can reduce air-conditioning energy use by as much as 40 percent by shading your home's windows and walls.

Dirty filters restrict airflow and can cause the system to run longer, increasing energy use. Replace / clean filters monthly for maximum benefit.

Set the temperature control no lower than 24 degrees.

Check and clean the condenser coils and fins on the outside of the unit.

Always buy a sutaible size to fit your requirements and Energy efficient model.

Keep windows and doors closed when using a air conditioner.

Seal all air gaps between your air conditioner and window.

Close blinds and curtains during the day, especially on sun-facing windows.

Use fans to reduce the need for air conditioners because fans are very inexpensive to operate compared with air conditioners.

Have the air conditioner serviced by an qualified person every two or three years.

Source :

Monday, June 16, 2008

Energy Saver - Refrigerator

In most households, the refrigerator is the single biggest energy consuming kitchen appliance.

Install the refrigerator away from direct sunlight, draught of air or any other heat generating appliances like stove, oven etc.

Cover/wrap all food stuff; especially liquids, leafy vegetables etc.

Don't keep the refrigerator door open any longer than you need to.

A full refrigerator is a fine thing, but be sure to allow adequate air circulation inside.

Make sure that refrigerator's rubber door seals are clean and tight.

Don’t let freezers build up more than 6 mm of frost. Defrost regularly to keep freezers working their best.

Clean your refrigerator’s coils (back) and air intake grill (below the doors) every 3 months.

One large refrigerator is cheaper to run than two smaller ones.

Allow foods to partially cool before placing them in the refrigerator.

Always go for Energy efficieant model when you purchase a refrigerator , the Energy Guide will help doing this.

Source :

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Energy Saver - Geyser


The Heat converting devices take maximum of the percentage of your electricity and Gyser is one of the most commen Appliance we find in this list.

There are several ways we can save Energy consumed by the gyser , some are discussed below

When buying a Geyser always ask for the Energy efficient product

Also check that the product is meeting the Standards e.g. In India you may insist on ISI mark product.

Never Go for the cheap unbranded products in the market as the running cost of such geysers is very High.

Always keep Thermostat sating of your Device Lower than 56 degree Centigrade as you increase the temperature setting above this level your Geyser will consume the Energy like anything.

Do descale the Geyser once in the year for accumulated salts and scale this will improve Energy efficiency of your geyser
Apply thermal resistive Blanket to your Geyser and the connecting lines

Use Solar Geyser insted , The normal payback period for Solar Geyser is arround 12-18 months

You may also use other subsidised fuels for your gyesre like cooking Gas this will effectively reduce your Energy bills

The Best and Healthy way is to take a "COLD WATER BATH"

Source :

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Energy Saver - Iron

An iron consumes approximately one unit for a Hour use or so. Several steps can be taken to increase ironing efficiency.

Iron minimum temperature cloths first

Iron large number of cloths at a time to avoid wasting energy heating and reheating the iron several times.

Do not over heat the iron.

Switch off before you finished .

turn off your iron every time you are interrupted while ironing.

Use only pure water in steam irons.

Use dry iron whereever Possible

check for automated controls on your iron for proper temperature setting etc.

Source :

Friday, June 13, 2008

Energy Saver - Washing Machine

Today we will go through the one of the essential gadget at your home Washing Machine

A homemaker can follow these simple steps and result you may see in your monthly Energy bill.

When buying a new appliance, look for the most energy efficient model in your price range

Run only full loads in the washing machine This saves energy.

Avoid the selection of heavy duty wash cycle for light clothes . this can be read in the user booklet supplied along with your machine. With Proper selection of wash -rinse- dry cycle you will make habit of Energy saving.

Selection of the water level should be as per the load you are putting in keep in mind try to run your machine always on full load this save lots of energy

Lower the temperature on your washing machine. Changing the rinse water to cold won’t affect the results of the wash and will save approximately 65 leters of hot water. For more savings, use a cold water detergent and wash, as well as rinse, with cold water.

Switch OFF your machine from Mains ' DO NOT KEEP MACHINE IN PASSIVE MODE'

Service your machine regularly ask your servicemen to check all rotating parts for wearouts including the bearings.

Source :

Thursday, June 12, 2008

Energy Saver - CFL


Compact furoscent lamps generaly called as CFL is one of the most esiest way to save power.

They use at least 66% less electricity and last up to eight times longer than standard incandescent bulbs.

Replacing your All present incadescent bulbs and conventional fluroscent tubelites with CFL is like opening a small saving accounts.

The general pay back period for your initial investments is likely to be 6-10 months .

You can re-arrange your lighting configuration for optimum utilisation can help much. This can be done with local expert available .

Dont wait .... Go change them All..... Open your savings account today

Source :